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I Never thought This Would Happen!
I Never thought This Would Happen!
Mar 13, 2015
Hello and Greetings to Everyone, I hope this edition finds everyone doing well and that everyone made it through the winter with flying colors. Can you believe that in less than two weeks it will be spring? The weather is changing here in West Alabama for the better. Although March got off to a grey and rainy start. I am told that starting this weekend we can expect to start seeing beautiful spring weather. I hope that you can start enjoying warm sunny days as well.
We have made some changes in the major change has been that the menu has now been moved to the top of the page when you go to the site you will see three menu choices across the top. When you place your mouse curser on the center block that reads “Store Menu” then the full product menu will appear as a drop down simply select the product category you want to visit by clicking on it with your mouse. You can look for more changes to the site in the coming months.
Now on to the topic that I refer to in the headline of this newsletter, for the first time in the history of JD’s we have a Sky Eye Floor Model TDP Lamp that we are going to sell as an open box unit. The lamp itself is brand new and has never been used. However, the first person to contact me either by email at or by phone at 205-561-9781 can own this new Sky Eye TDP lamp for a fraction of the regular price. In fact it will be considerable less than our regular professional wholesale price. Our agreement with the manufacturer prevents us from publishing the low sale price of this lamp. But in the history of our dealing with the sky eye lamp company we have never had an opportunity like this before. It simply does not happen. Here is a link to the Sky Eye listing on JD’s You will find a lot of information on that page and you can always contact me with for any additional information you may need. I can keep this special open for our subscribers only until Monday afternoon. So if you have an interest in the best TDP lamp in existence at the lowest price you are likely to ever see then now is the time. Speaking of time, It is time to end this edition I wish all of you the very best. Until Next time, James

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